The Role of Skin in Abhyanga: A Synthesis of Modern Science and Timeless Vedic Wisdom
From both a modern scientific perspective and an ancient Vedic viewpoint, Abhyanga is a powerful tool for maintaining health, restoring balance, and enhancing well-being.

How can I embrace Slow?
In a world filled with quick hands and feet, with every important petition that wants our endorsement, and every trending technology that screams “You Snooze, You Lose!” how can we embrace slowness?

Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutation
Beyond the material gain of an energised and harmonised physical structure, Surya Namaskar is a deeper ritual of giving thanks to the sun, our provider, and remembering the shining qualities of the higher self.

3 Entrepreneur Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita
Sharing learnings from my entrepreneurial journey in the context of Yoga philosophy, specifically the teachings from Bhagavad Gita.

New Year, Same Us.
A new year’s message from Candice, sharing at length our reason for price refinement and new offerings to look out for in 2024.

Embodied Knowledge
The importance of embodying valid knowledge (Pramanas) to make wise inferences and avoid misrepresenting ancient yogic teachings.

Healing Hands
Blessed are the hands that find those places rarely touched, with memories cleverly hiding for so long from so much.

The World Is Not Waiting For You
Unfolding layers of the Self as I got through 10 days of isolation. Welcome to my moment in time living with Covid-19.
Yoga meets you where you are
The craft in yoga is the technique. The art truly comes in the spaces in between.